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Is There A Shortage Of Flexible Ductwork In Florida?


Over the last few years we have seen unprecedented challenges for both consumers and businesses alike during the COVID-19 situation. Even though it seems like things are getting back to normal the COVID-19 mandates caused major disruptions to local manufacturing and the global supply chain that we will still be dealing with for at least another year or two.

It’s not without saying that these ongoing supply shortages have hit the HVAC industry hard. One of the major shortages were dealing with is flexible ductwork which is used in your homes and businesses HVAC systems.  It’s important for our clients to know the reason for these shortages and how it may impact their next air conditioning repair or installation in the near future.

Is There A Shortage Of Flexible Ductwork In Florida?

Is There A Shortage Of Flexible Ductwork In Florida?

One of the main reasons is a shortage in stainless steel which is used to make flexible ductwork. The shortage of stainless steel was due to the COVID-19 restrictions back in 2020 and 2021 when the production of stainless steel dropped by 40%. The importation of stainless steel was also hampered because of the restrictions exacerbating the supply shortages and increased prices all across the country. Most flexible ductwork used in your homes HVAC system have a stainless steel spring as their core and cannot be cost effectively replaced by another metal.

You might be asking by now, How Does This Affect Me? For the most part, there’s no need to worry too much. The most noticeable effect is an increase in prices for consumers. Almost all residential homes in Florida use flexible ductwork and a lot of it was installed 30 to 40 years ago and will soon need to be replaced.

We are still more than able to handle flexible ductwork repairs, replacements, and installations for your HVAC equipment and provide free estimates or even a second opinion. If you need duct repairs or flexible ductwork replacement we recommend you contact us as soon as possible to avoid future price increases. If you have issues with your ventilation system call us at 954-298-0114 to schedule a service call. We’re here to help you through these difficult times, and we’re dedicated to providing the best for our customers

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